Global UGRAD Host Institutions

Each year, over 60 diverse institutions of higher education in the United States welcome Global UGRAD students on their campuses for a one-semester, non-degree exchange. Host institutions provide these outstanding undergraduate students with on-the-ground support and opportunities to live and learn alongside their American peers. While at their host institutions, students complete full-time coursework, engage in local community service, and become active in all facets of student life. Global UGRAD students are exceptional cultural ambassadors with many coming from underrepresented countries and regions, and U.S. institutions benefit from the diverse perspectives that Global UGRAD students bring to their U.S. classrooms and local communities. Close partnerships between World Learning and participating universities and colleges ensure that students have a meaningful, enriching exchange experience.

Host Institution Eligibility Criteria

All prospective host institutions should be prepared to provide the following:

  • High-quality academic programs that match participants’ needs including English language support, superior international student support, and personalized attention for Global UGRAD students.
  • Significant cost share and good educational value for overall cost.
  • On-campus housing with U.S. student roommates and options for single-gender living and substance-free living spaces.
  • Comprehensive meal plans with provisions for special dietary needs.
  • Connection to the larger, local community outside of campus.

The Global UGRAD Program strives to ensure that it reflects the diversity of U.S. society and higher education institutions and encourages participation from all eligible institutions including Minority Serving Institutions, rural-serving institutions, and women’s colleges.

Application Process to Host Global UGRAD Students

Interested institutions apply each year to host Global UGRAD students. The application opens on November 1 and closes on January 31. For more specific information about the next application cycle, please visit our Apply page. Institutions can indicate on their application which semester they would like to host Global UGRAD students and what type of cost share and campus support services they are willing and able to provide. Please note: prospective AND current hosts must complete the application annually to be considered for future participation in the program regardless of whether the institution has previously hosted or is currently hosting students.

Additional Information

For additional program information for participating and prospective Global UGRAD host institutions, please download our helpful one-pager here.

You can also contact World Learning staff with any further questions at [email protected].